Let's discuss our common interests!
For the proper functioning of our democracy it is essential that the various social groups in our society can agree on a common ground. And for this, we need to be able to discuss our common issues, while respecting the other's opinion and engaging in a civilized debate with the other's arguments.

Accept each other!
The basis of any meaningful discussion is acceptance: we accept the other as she is, and we accept the world as it is. Diversity must be tolerated even if not all colours are necessarily close to us – because a black-and-white world will never be able to properly depict reality. And in the absence of a mutually acceptable reality, there will be nothing left to discuss.
We also have to accept that people are fundamentally benevolent, even if it does not necessarily seem obvious if we follow the news reports or propaganda. Bad news attracts people's attention much more, since during the evolution of our species, we have learned to pay much more attention to information indicating potential danger: in nature, this was the key to survival. And in the modern world, this forms the basis of the operating model of the media and politicians.
Break away from our prejudices!
Of course, we can always assume that our discussion partner is bad and evil from the ground up. Since everyone has negative personality traits, if we research someone for a long time, sooner or later we will find something that supports our negative prejudices. But our lives consist of ultimately what we focus on. If we always see the dark side of the world everywhere, then our lives will also become darker, and at the same time we will never notice the sunnier side of the world.
It is easy to see that, in theory, it is not in anyone's interest to focus only on the negative side of everything in the life, as this will degrade their own quality of life. In practice, however, dividing the world into good and bad gives a kind of comforting security. It is not indispensable to know the person in front of you or weigh her opinion in order to form a judgment about her. Prejudices fed into us simplify the decision and simplify the world as well.
Give room to the debate!
On the other hand, it is in the interest of the social groups that want to maintain their dominance that the members of the other minorities cannot discuss in a meaningful way what they think about the quality of theirgovernance. An excessively dominant minority group does not want to expose their own supporters to certain critical comments, as it would question their leadership role. Divide and conquer - said the Romans, and this technique of power still works today if we let it.
The easiest way to prevent a meaningful debate is to attack the person who expressed that opinion instead of the opinion itself, to question the faith in science and numerical facts, and to generate a media noise in which all critical opinions are dilluted.
Get out of the opinion bubble!
We all have natural tendencies and preferences, and we build our worldview based on this. However, it is very difficult to turn your back on these views: because then we would once again find ourselves adrift in a world without anchors. That is why we tend to viscerally reject even those critical opinions that we deep down feel have truth in them. Many times we don't even take notice of the opposing opinions, because that's the only way we feel secure in our own world, which is thus less and less connected to reality.
We all have an opinion, but we're not right!
However, if you want to live in a country where the interests of your minority group are taken into account by the current government, and where your views will be respected even after a regime change, then you have to accept that you too only have an opinion rather than being right. In the end, historians will be able to judge, only decades from now, who was right about where the country should have gone. Until then it is practical to consider all opinions about how we can make Hungary an even better place to be equally valuable.
Healthy discussion is the basis of progression
We believe that well-functioning democracies have proven countless times that they more effectively deal with external and internal crises than any other social system. And their resilience is largely due to the fact that there is no dominant view that cannot be disputed, no interest that cannot be questioned. However, for this it is crucial that all topics can be discussed in a cultured manner.